From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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D.A.V. Assumes Westphall Memorial: Donations Still Sought


In 1968 Lt. David Westphall and 12 of his comrades were killed in an ambush in Vietnam. David's death left his parents and brother determined to erect a visible reminder of war's most tragic consequence--the loss of people who are loved and the snuffing out of human potential.

"When we started construction, we realized that it would take far more money than we could provide personally; but we also thought, surely money would be available from such sources as a foundation," said Dr. Westphall.

"After making a heartbreaking number of applications, we were forced to admit failure of this approach."

So Dr. Westphall, his wife, and younger son Douglas who had served in Southeast Asia as an Air Force pilot, went it virtually alone. They completed the walls in the summer of 1968 and added the roof the following summer. When its construction was completed in 1971, it was called the Vietnam Veterans Peace and Brotherhood Chapel. It is located 25 miles northeast of Taos, New Mexico, near Eagles Nest.

In 1971 the local VVAW chapter helped with perimeter security after threats from local rednecks. The Memorial mentioned and included pictures of Vietnamese. The rednecks threatened to destroy it for awhile because it talked about peace.

Since 1971 the Memorial has always been short of funds. Last year several D.A.V. officials visited the chapel. Dr. Westphall spoke with them about the possibility of turning the Memorial over to the D.A.V.

On September 6, 1982, the D.A.V. finalized details for a separate, non-profit organization, the D.A.V. Vietnam Veterans National Memorial Inc. Under the laws of New Mexico. With the approval of the D.A.V. National Executive Committee, the new non-profit organization assumed full responsibility for the memorial and fund-raising activities to support its operation.

Your help is needed. More parking space is needed. Land surrounding the chapel must be bought to prevent resort developers who want to build high-rises which would obscure the chapel and destroy its open beauty. Improvements are needed immediately to expand accessibility of the chapel and grounds to disabled people. Also there are normal maintenance and staff expenses.

Contributions are tax deductible; they can be sent to:

DAV Vietnam Veterans National Memorial, Inc.
c/o Fifth/Third Bank
Department 00459
Cincinnati, OH 45263

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