From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Armed Forces Day


While VVAW chapters in a number of cities around the country will be holding actions on Memorial Day, some chapters are focusing their attention on an earlier date--May 21st, Armed Forces Day.

Not too many years ago, Armed Forces Day was a major event, at least for a certain number of troops, a couple of high school bands, ROTC units, and the generals/admirals/politicians who graced a reviewing stand. VVAW along with many other anti-war groups turned Armed Forces Day in Armed Farces Day during the Vietnam War. Finding the VVAW and an anti-war stance attracted more favorable attention than the troops on parade, the powers that be decided to de-emphasize the Day which had become a public embarrassment.

Now, however, Armed Forces Day is staging a comeback; with a World War II grade-B movie star in the White House, the pomp of the '50s is being relived. Even New York City plans an Armed Forces Day parade on 5th Avenue.

VVAW chapters, in New York City as well as other places, will appear to show that all veterans are willing to donate their children to Reagan's next war--in fact we're perfectly willing for Reagan to fight the war himself since he missed the last couple!

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