From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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The Olympics and Politics


Carter has called upon the world to boycott the Olympics or at least move them out of Moscow. Make the USSR pay for its invasion of Afghanistan. What happened to the refrain the U.S. government was singing not many years ago when it was attacking the countries of Black Africa for "boycotting" the Olympics because of the racist policies of South Africa? Then, we were treated to pictures of African athletes practicing for the Olympics followed by the logic from the announcers about how "It would be better that they participate and beat South Africa just like Jesse Owens did in 1936--don't let politics get involved in sports!"

What happened to all that talk? What about the condemnation of U.S. Black athletes with their clenched fists in Mexico City, condemned because they "put politics into sports?" It looks a little like a question of who's trying to get re-elected.

On with the Olympics! To hell with both Carter and his counterpart Breshnyev.

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