From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Funds Needed: Support VVAW


It takes money to run an organization. Printing costs, mailings, telephone bills, etc, all mount up and VVAW doesn't have a Sant Claus sitting in the chimney waiting to fill our stockings with the green. We rely on contributions from our friends and supporters and we rely on local chapters to pay for the materials we need to build our struggle.

Right now, we are embarking on a national fundraising drive to help pay of our debts and more importantly help print a series of pamphlets dealing with such topics as the move towards world war, bad discharges and amnesty, and a history of the veteran's movement from Shays Rebellion to the present.

If every ready of this paper sent in at least a dollar we would be well on our way to realize our plans. For those who send in $5 or $10 we would send you a subscription of THE VETERAN, $15 or more would include a subscription and a copy of Winning Hearts and Minds--a collection of poems written by Vietnamese veterans. We would also like to build up our sustainers list. $5 or more each month would give you a sub, WHAM, and any pamphlets that we print.

VVAW IS A TAX-EXEMPT ORGANIZATION. We would gladly accept donations from you that you could write off on next year's income tax.

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