From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Book Review: "Brothers: Black Soldiers in the 'Nam"

By Lee Channing

Brothers: Black Soldiers in the 'Nam by Stanley Goff and Robert Sanders.

The title and the liner notes of this book were its main enticements. However, these basics are about as far as it goes. This is simply war stories of two men in Vietnam who happen to be black. Any notions the reader might have about gaining an insight into race or racism in Vietnam should be dismissed. Brothers doesn't address the subjects but instead offers a detailed and insightful "grunts'-eye view" of the war that is as colorless as it is accurate and enjoyable.

Goff and Sanders add many details to the descriptive pool forming from the increasing number of 'Nam books. The "M-60" section and certain "REMF" tales are particularly noteworthy. This is the strength of Brothers, but this reader feels that the awkward placement of gratuitous mentions of racial composition in a particular situation detracts from this otherwise effective narration.

Brothers can be recommended with the reservation outlines above; expect only a personalized recollection from each author that will expand awareness of the individual experiences which were Vietnam.

Lee Channing
VVAW Chicago

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