From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Are You Willing To Guatemala


The men were first castrated, then their eyes were put out with needles. Their hands tied behind their backs, they were thrown on top of one another and the pile was then doused with gasoline and set afire. The women were raped. Then they were forced to watch as their children had their bellies cleaved with machetes and were left to agonize, screaming, on the ground. One mother was forced to kiss her baby's head which was presented to her on the end of bayonet. Another group of children were ordered to play and, as they attempted to obey, grenades were thrown into their midst. Almost mercifully, the women, having witnessed the annihilation of their families, were dragged into the church which was then set on fire. Anyone attempting to escape was dismembered with machetes.

Unfortunately, this is not fiction. The torments are real. They are happening today. And, perhaps most important for us, the U.S. is supporting the slaughter.

The victims of repression in Guatemala today are the Indians, descendants of the Mayas, who no live largely in the northern and western departments (states) of Guatemala. Their persecutors have for decades been the military rulers of the County Gen. Effraim Rios Montt.

Guatemala lives today under a state of siege. The constitution has been suspended, the press censored, public meetings prohibited. The army and paramilitary death squads have been ordered to stop their killings and kidnappings in the capital, Guatemala City. The appearance then, is one of relative calm. The diplomatic corps and capital residents speak of a return to quitter times. But in the isolated rural areas, the "ranchos" and "aldeas" of El Quiche, Solala, San Marcos, and Huehuetenango, a full-fledged program of extermination of the Indians is taking place. The massacres and wholesale destruction of indian villages began in earnest in June of this year. Refugees from Guatemala, survivors of army attacks on their villages, tell of the troops arriving in helicopters. The soldiers then b urn houses and crops, kill livestock and finally torture and kill any people who have remained behind. Some people don't flee because of age or sickness; others remain because of their faith in god and in the soldiers; still others are simply caught by surprise. All are eventually killed, usually without the use of a bullet.

Many indian families, stripped of all they own, are forced to survive somehow in the forests of the Guatemalan highlands. Those who live near the border with Mexico hide by day and walk at night, going days without food, to reach the relative safety of Chiapas, a southern Mexican border state. They are arriving now by the thousands. Widows will come with from three to nine children. Men will come, traumatized by the memories of their wives and children being tortured to death. In Mexico, they have found a welcome among the poor farmers of Chiapas. But as the refugees come in increasing numbers, the resources of the region, already severely taxed, begin to give out and new tensions arise.

In the U.S. really supporting the present military government in Guatemala? Consider: