From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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MY LAI 16 MAR 68

By Horace Coleman

With apologies to the Beatles:


It was 30 years ago one day,
when the "band" began to play . . . .



16 MAR 68


We lied and they died.
In a ditch of a tomb
carved from gloom and
burnished with brutality.
In a reality, uber alles,
of military follies.
Four hours of chattering
guns and metal teeth
scattering Mais and flowers.
Shattering the blind, crippled,
crazy, fat, skinny or lazy.
Eight (or less) to eighty, we didn't mind.
Though it isn't kind to remind.
Just patriots doing our best
to lay "enemy" souls to rest.
Like Wounded Knee, you see.
Or, Ft. Pillow where willows wept.
We've done it before-
and will some more.
We did our duty of kicking bootie.
The village called Pinkville
is Nowheres and NoThinkville.
One of those places "victory" was
splattered on our faces.
Dead or alive, gooks don't matter.
The "specialist," corporal,
sergeant, lieutenant, captain,
major and colonel Calleys
never hide in alleys.
So, we say with pride:
"Hooray for our side!"


- Horace Coleman

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