From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Chicago Peace March


Nearly 50,000 people marched on April 10th in Chicago behind the banner, End the Arms Race, Save the Human Race.

Marching in the second contingent, a sizeable group of 60 vets and supporters from VVAW, Vets for Peace, the Jearl Wood Defense Committee and the Southeast Welfare Recipients Organization provided a good counter point for the first contingent comprised of nearly a thousand children.

The march stretched for a couple of miles from the beginning point on the near Northside, down Michigan Avenue to the Federal Plaza in the heart of the Loop area. Organized by the April 10th Coalition the march was timed to coincide with the Easter weekend and historic Easter peach marches past, and with the anniversary of the first splitting of the atom (which eventually developed into the atom bomb) at the University of Chicago.

The organizers had anticipated a march of 10,000 and were amazed at the turn out that came, despite a low temperature and occasional snow showers. Reflecting the national mood favoring a nuclear freeze, the participants ranged from the elderly to the very young, organizations from unions, religious groups, entire church congregations, vets, students and professionals.

The march was just a preview of the June 12th march in New York that is expected to draw over a million participants to coincide with a United Nations Program on Arms Limitations. Organizers predict that the June actions may be the single largest march in the history of the U.S.

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