From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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By Bill Shunas

Did you see where some fellow b the name of Duggan wrote the biography of LBJ? Now you may or may not care to read about LBJ, but there was one chapter in there about LBJ's religion and religious experiences.

Now that seems interesting because Duggan reveals that LBJ asked this ambassador if he thought that God, in the form of the Holy Ghost, was making visitations to the earth.

The ambassador said no, he didn't think so, but LBJ quickly straightened him out. LBJ told him that the Holy Ghost had been visiting him in the White House in the early morning hours when he received his war reports from Vietnam.

I knew it all the time! God was on our side. He was helping LBJ in strategy sessions every morning.

Now, I've heard some non-believers saying that the Holy Ghost really didn't appear to LBJ to talk about the war. They say that what probably happened was that LBJ was having a few hangovers and he imagined it. Some even go as far as to say that Lady Bird was putting PCP in LBJ's morning coffee. They just don't believe.

I must confess that secretly I'm a bit of a doubting Thomas. Because if that did happen, then something must be wrong with God. They tell us that God is supposed to now everything, right? Well, if God knows everything, and He was discussing the war with LBJ, how come LBJ/s intelligence reports were so screwed up?

I know that Westmoreland sent back reports that there were half as many NVA troops as there really were. He might have misled LBJ, but could he have pulled the wool over the eyes of the Holy Ghost too?

For all its faults, the CIA sent back better intelligence about Vietnam. That doesn't say much for the Holy Ghost because the CIA has been wrong quite often.

Then there's the other question. Did God really want that war? Kill off all them yellow people, the Buddhists, Taoists, Maoists, women and children? Is that the advice he gave to LBJ?

Maybe he didn't really talk with the Holy Ghost. Maybe the pressures of the job were getting to him. Or maybe it was a conspiracy between Lynda Bird and Luci. Maybe there were dropping acid and decided to put some in the old man's scrambled eggs.

* * * * * * *

Maybe God and the federal government can't work together. Take the VA and its handling of the case Chaplain Ronald Gunton at the VA Medical Center in Bath, NY.

Milton Salmon, director of the Center, wrote to Corbin Cherry, the VA's chief of chaplains, asking him to find a way to remove Gunton. It seems Gunton, who was the chief negotiator and steward for the VA employees, had made the bosses mad. They were angry because of Gunton's "strong defense of employee's rightd and robust debate on behalf of the union." In other words the VA wished to treat its employees as bad as it treats the vets who go there to use their services. Gunton got in their way so they wanted to get rid of him.

The VA heads sent malicious letters to the American Baptist Church trying to get Gunton fired. It didn't work, and the Federal Labor Relations Authority found the VA officials guilty of smearing the hospital chaplain.

Maybe the VA was just mad because they had heard how the Holy Ghost had given LBJ the intelligence, so they tried to take it out on a Baptist minister. In any case, Gunton is back at work and the VA again has mud on its face. Another true believer is in the White House. And the Holy Ghost is being drafted for duty in Central America!

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