From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Aaahhh Bock!

By Lisa Dixon

In the beginning, there was beer. And it swirled throughout the fundament amidst large vats and kegs, and was without form and substance: Miller, Hamms, Schlitz. Old Style. Bleck. And lo, John Zutz looked upon the earth, and saw that there was a great wailing and gnashing of teeth across the land; that the people wanted more. Zutz could not bear to see his people suffer. So, with a roar and a mighty wave of his hands, he called upon the forces of the mighty brewing industry, and behold, the light was separated from the dark, the good from the bad, the beer from the Bock. Ahhh, sweet, sweet Bock, nectar of the gods! We give thanks for thee, and for the bringer of Bock, John Zutz.

On Sunday, March 22, 1998, VVAW and Madison Friends Meeting held the tenth annual 'Blessing of the Bock,' a beer-tasting festival held on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Much beer was joyfully imbibed, much fun was had, and quite a bit of money was raised for a good cause.

To begin the afternoon, a solemn and graceful blessing was given by Father James Flynt, honoring those who have suffered and fallen under oppressive regimes, and those who have fought and continue to fight against racism and imperialism around the world. As part of this opening, festival participants were spontaneously called upon to participate in a short flower ceremony presided over by the local VFW post. After that, participants commenced worshipping in their own jubilant manner.

Over thirty independent microbreweries and a few major companies from around the Midwest participated, each with two or more beers for the sipping. Just think. Over sixty different beers. All in one room. It boggles the mind. For those not inclined to partake of the brew, there were plenty of root beers and ciders and a couple of sparkling waters to sample as well. Pizza, hot dogs, pretzels and, most especially, Edie Zutz's "kickass-sweet-hot-knock-you-in-the-bock mustard" were also available for purchase and consumption.

All was presided over by the towering presence of Sir John Zutz, ever-present clipboard in hand, wearing his "Sunday best" especially for the occasion. Many volunteers gave their time in lieu of cash, and worked a couple of hours before, during or after the event, unloading kegs, pouring beer, mopping floors, and, well, drinking. Raffle tickets purchased won an assortment of prizes from T shirts to mugs, and an auction of donated goods was held late in the day. About $5,000 was raised, and proceeds went to the Peace Park memorial in My Lai. And $500 was also donated to our illustrious Veteran newspaper.

Kudos to John Zutz, and to all whose hard work throughout the year culminated in a most enjoyable, comradely afternoon; Thanks for showing us a good time, and for continuing to help build bridges with our brothers and sisters in Vietnam.

Beer Blessing

Bless this creature beer which by kindness and power has been produced from kernels of grain.
May it be a healthful drink for Mankind.
Grant that whoever drinks it with thanksgiving may find it of help in body and in Soul.

- Roman Ritual

Lisa Dixon is a member of the Champaign-Urbana Chapter of VVAW, the Progressive Resource/Action Cooperative, Alumni Against Racist Mascots, and the FemmeBot Fatale first regiment. She likes beer.

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