From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Embassy Takes-Over: Lon Nol Office Occupied


On October 29, then people liberated the Cambodian (Lon Nol) Mission to the United Nations in New York City, in support of the struggle of the Cambodian people. Members of the Indochina Peace Campaign-NYC, Indochina Solidarity Committee, Revolutionary Student Brigade, VVAW/WSO, and White Lightning seized the Mission at 8:45 in the morning as the receptionist and one Lon Nol "diplomat" fled the scene.

The action is part of a growing campaign to build support for the seating of the Royal Government of National Union (GRUNC) in the UN, and the expulsion of the government of Lon Nol which is financed and kept in power by the US government. Since the coup in 1970 when the US government (through the CIA) put Lon Nol in power, the United Front of Cambodia forces have liberated all by 10% of the territory of their country; only 15% of the Cambodian people remain under the dictorial control of the Lon Nol government. GRUNC is in fact the legitimate representative of the people of Cambodia.

At the liberated Mission in New York City, pictures of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Head of State of GRUNC, replaced the pictures of Lon Nol; a banner was put up declaring that the Mission was liberated. Documents found in the building reported on the activities of Cambodian residents in the US who actively support GRUNC. And when the GRUNC representatives in Paris were notified by phone about the action, they asked, "What is the phone number of our new Mission?"

After two hours the NYC Police Department and the FBI broke through the heavily barricaded door and took the ten people off to jail. They were charged with criminal trespass, harassment, and a Federal charge of "felonious assault on a foreign diplomat." They were released on their own recognizance; the "felonious assault" charges were later dropped.

The UN vote is due in late November unless US government attempts to have it postponed are successful. GRUNC is already recognized as the legitimate Cambodian government by 62 nations around the world; last year, when there was a similar vote, the US managed to table the vote in favor of GRUNC through tricky maneuvering--the vote was called when many of the supporters of GRUNC were at other meetings. Having already tried all kinds of big-power pressure tactics (things like threatening to curtail food programs or foreign assistance in exchange for votes), the US government is now pushing for the seating to be taken up in the Security Council where the US has veto power. The importance of the UN vote is explained in the words of Prince Sihanouk: "With our government universally recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Cambodian people, will it be possible for the US Congress to go on spending more than $700 million a year to support the Lon Nol puppets?"

The takeover of the Mission was a direct follow-up to a demonstration and rally to support the Restoration of the Lawful Rights of the GRUNC in the UN. That demonstration ended with the presentation of an eviction notice to the Lon Nol representatives, warning them that if the eviction notice was not heeded, the American people would take further action. Both the demonstration and the takeover were either ignored or distorted by the press: the history of US involvement in Cambodia has been one to keeping the war a secret from the American people. And the continued progress of United Front forces to bring freedom to the Cambodian people is seldom mentioned in the US corporate-owned press. $700 million of US taxes keep Lon Nol's mercenary army supplied--and has kept Lon Nol and his cronies living in comfort--during 1972. Meanwhile, the American people never hear about the 40,000 Cambodians who have left areas under Lon Nol control in the last year and moved to the liberated areas- just one more sign of the wishes of the people to see their real government installed throughout their country.

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