From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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On November 11, 1918, the Treaty of Versailles formally ended World War I. Millions of lives had been lost in what was one of the most savage military conflicts ever. The people of the United States had learned the hard way that this war was not fought for democracy, but was a war of conquest fought to expand the areas of economic exploitation for big business. Europe was re-divided amongst the victors, and American corporations gained a toe-hold on valuable European markets.

Now, several wars later, November 11th is being used as a propaganda tool for US imperialism. Officially called Veterans Day, November 11th is supposed to honor the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces. The traditional veterans groups like the American Legion mobilize their members to march in parades and make speeches praising past glories and future battles. Out come the old uniforms and medals, the banners and flags. Military units and military bands march down main streets playing tunes meant to call our patriotic fervor out in full force.

But mouthing of praise and calls to patriotism cannot cover up the real conditions veterans face today. While the upholders of law 'n order are marching around singing the praises of old glory, veterans are facing jobless days, poor VA medical care and a lousy GI Bill. Over 500,000 vets with less-than-honorable discharges are ignored, stamped for life with a brand that denies jobs and benefits. And the war in Indochina continues behind a smoke screen of deceit.

VVAW/WSO is also taking to the streets on Veterans Day. We will be there not out of patriotism to imperialism, but to expose and point out that veterans are being screwed again, that the war is not over, that universal and unconditional amnesty must be given, and that we do no blindly support the policies and actions of the US military.

The American Legion and the VFW don't represent the real sentiments of American veterans. They are fronts for a system that cares little about the men and women that are forced to serve in wars that are not in their interests. VVAW/WSO will be in the streets demonstrating that many veterans understand that there is a struggle going on, a struggle between the overwhelming majority of the people of this country, and the hand full of "super-rich" at the top -- a struggle to end US imperialism once and for all.

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