From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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My View

By John Zutz

The old chestnuts keep coming back. Again there is a move in Congress to amend the Constitution and protect the flag from desecration. I have argued strongly in this space against the proposed amendment on the grounds that it would curtail free speech and interfere with private property rights.

However, new evidence is in which has caused me to reconsider my stand.

First, I've been told that the American Legion has spent well over $1.5 million lobbying in support of the act, and that they are prepared to contribute more. When the largest veterans' organization in the United States diverts that much money away from veterans and their dependents, and gives it instead to the lawyers, lobbyists, and politicians supporting any other issue, a guy begins to understand the real values of this country.

Second, a short news report from Beijing ran in the Milwaukee paper on April 15 - tax day - relating how Chinese peasant Li San Hua illegally bought a hunting rifle, then wanted to test its accuracy. He would only have faced a fine if he had used anything for a target other than the national flag. The court in Hubei province sentenced Li to 20 years in prison for flag desecration.

So, like I said, I have reconsidered my stand. Now I am even more opposed to any action to outlaw flag desecration. Let's keep America free.

Why would the Legion, or any other "patriotic" group advocate something that would make our country more like that godless totalitarian dictatorship? They must have been infiltrated by Commies.

John Zutz is a member of the Milwaukee chapter and a former VVAW regional coordinator.

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