From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Editorial: Dewey Canyon


As THE VETERAN surveys the situation of vets today we see some encouraging signs: the outrage of thousands of vets at the difference between how we were treated when we came back from Vietnam and the way the Iranian hostages were treated when they returned; anger about the cut backs in essential vets programs under the Reagan economic plan; the growing number of vets groups who are trying to make some changes. As the oldest of vets groups made up primarily of Vietnam and Vietnam-era vets, we believe the time has come to act.

Spring of 1982 will mark the 11th year after Vietnam vets discarded medals on the steps of the Capitol. It will mark the 50th anniversary of the 1932 Bonus March when World War I vets—25,000 of them and their families—came to DC to demand that the government give them what it had promised.

To veterans groups, to vets, and to other interested individuals, we are proposing Operation Dewey Canyon IV to take place in Washington in the spring of 1982. With the cutbacks, with the consistent refusal of the government to deal realistically with the problems of Agent Orange, and with the prospect of another war lurking just over the horizon, we believe the times has come to hit the streets of DC once again, to take our feelings and our demands to the place where they will most be seen. We invite comments and suggestions from any and all who are interested.

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