From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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30,000 in D.C. Say "No Draft, No Way"


Chanting "Hell No, We Won't Go—We Won't Fight for Texaco," a crowd estimated at 30,000 marched from the White House to the Capitol Building on March 22.

The Demonstration was organized by the Coalition Against Registration and the Draft (CARD) and brought together a wide array of organizations and individuals united in their opposition to President Carter's proposal for reinstitution of registration and, eventually, the draft.

Speaker after speaker, from Bella Abzug to Stokey Carmichael denounced the registration plan. Many speakers talked about the war moves behind Carter's policies in Iran and his reactions to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan. Carter used these event to bang war drums and suck in fodder for his war machine. Other speakers talked about the oil interests in the Middle-east and the ultimate plans to send U.S. troops to protect the holdings of Exxon and the other oil companies.

The demonstrators, mainly young people who face the draft, cheered and clapped for the speakers. Their numbers and enthusiasm put to rest the myth that young people don't care about events in the world today. They also made it clear to Carter and Company that there is a widespread opposition to the draft and that resistance to a new draft is a wave of the future, not of the past.

The New York City Chapter of VVAW joined in the demonstration carrying a large banner reading, "Vets Say NO TO THE DRAFT, We Won't Be Fooled Again." Reception to the banner and to the vets was overwhelming. People applauded, took pictures of the group, and came over to talk.

Also at the demonstration was a contingent of Black Veterans for Social Justice, who, together with VVAW, were introduced from the stage and received a big round of applause from the demonstrators.

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