From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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By Bill Shunas

All of us, at one time or another, have heard stories about the country of Argentina. That's where at the WWII Nazis went to hole up after they got beat, and the countries of the world sent out posses looking for the "Angle of Death", and his fellow creatures.

It was nasty for that bad old Argentina to give them sanctuary. These kind of people go to other places, too. For example, we've got this guy named Loan living in Virginia. He's the guy who supplied the heroin for us when we were in the Nam, as well as sending it back here for use in the streets of New York, Chicago, and our big cities.

Then, there's this guy, Ky, who used to be Loan's boss, and got rich off of Loan's heroin trade, while he supervised the murder of thousands of Vietnamese, who "may" have been collaborating with the VC. Ky lives in California.

We almost got the Shah of Iran, too. He's the guy who must have set a world's record for the number of political prisoners held in jail and tortured. He probably would have lived in a commune with Nixon and Bebe Rebozo in some California desert spa, if there weren't so many Iranians with long memories living in this country.

We didn't get the Shah, but we did get another big prize. . . Anastasio Somoza. The dictator from Nicaragua has moved to Florida. He's the guy who took all his country's wealth and poured it into his own companies, while millions of Nicaraguans lived in starvation, and victims of a devastating earthquake got zero relief.

The words on the Statue of Liberty say, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free.." The reality is that the State Department sends out ads saying, "Give me your dictators, your oppresors, all those who guarded Uncle Sam against the people rising up in the poor countries."

Our friends in the VFW seem to have a problem. They can't get many younger men—Vietnam veterans—to join. They can't, because, generally, they are full of bullshit, and we have had enough of that. First, these patriots in beanies (piss-cutters) with their tired old politics wanted us to go out there and win the war, and all the time we knew that war was useless and we shouldn't have been there in the first place. When we got home, they couldn't deal with us because we were "losers", "unpatriotic", "drug addicts", "crazed". Etc.

Take, for example, the VFW Post in Maywood, Illinois. Back in 1969, the Post got the Village Board's commitment to build a flagpole as a memorial for two local men who died in Vietnam. They forgot all about it. . . . . . .

Until now. Ten years later, they want to revive the project! According to the Post Commander, he hopes the memorial will spur younger vets interest in the VFW. . . . "it might arouse some of the younger guys to come and join us." Is a flagpole supposed to cover up everything the VFW stands for?

What about the case of Robert Taylor? (See page 9) is this an organization for veterans? The VFW has supported the policies of the rich, sending us off to Vietnam and other places. Could it be they need us to prop up the idea of a renewed draft bill? Or, is it simply that they have learned so well from their rich buddies how to shaft their "own" people???!!

Grenade of the Month

This month's 'Grenade goes to the head of the VA, Max Cleland.

We all know about Agent Orange, and how the people exposed to it are having problems with skin rashes, fatigue, birth defects, numbness in the extremities, cancer, and impotence. We also know that the VA is not admitting that most of these problems are service-connected. It would cost them too many bucks to test, treat and compensate the victims.

"Brother" Max could be very influential in getting these problems declared service-connected so that vets could get treatment. We know he could be influential, because the VA recognizes 'chloracne', but none of the other symptoms. So why does Cleland get the 'Grenade'? Because "brother" Max served his time in Vietnam, and he's developed an itch.... Medically, the term for it is CHLORACNE!!!!

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