From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Lock & Load


Sp5 Willy (Ret.)

The American Legion has a proud history which has included strikebreaking, lynching of Black people and affiliation with the KKK. Now we have learned that their patriotic activities are even more widespread.

A little background. When the Chicago Chapter of VVAW went to Roland Libonati, American Legion spokesman in Chicago, to ask if we could participate in Chicago's 1977 Veterans Day program, Libonati told us, "You're all dead!"

Now we read in Mike Royko's column (Royko is a columnist for the Chicago Sun Times, as well as being syndicated) about how two young punks who beat up and robbed an 89-year-old lady got off with two years probation. The reason they got off so light was because of the influence of their lawyer's assistant, the same Roland Libonati. It seems that eve in Chicago, Libonati has a lot of clout.

Royko says about Libonati, "he's a former congressman and state legislator who is a legend in Chicago politics because he was such pal of Al Capone and Capone's successor.

"When he was a congressman, Libonati's chief aide was gangster Sam Giancana's son-in-law. Libonati's main political constituency consisted of men who held their fedoras over their faces when their pictures were taken."

Maybe the American Legion should hold a fedora over its face!

However, the Legion it trying to change hats--or at least the color of their robes, as the case may be. We get this from "Rights and Flashes," the "unofficial voice of the office of Veterans' Affairs" in New Jersey.

"The American Legion has, in the past year, taken a giant step for mankind, and human rights. It has proclaimed that it is against the Ku Klux Klan."

I guess they've figured out that being associated with the KKK isn't too hot for their public image. They can put out their reactionary garbage just as well without a robe.

Major General John Singlaub has been fired for criticizing U.S. foreign policy--he wants the U.S. to get ready to fight in Korea--again. Poor John now has to retire at a $32,000 a year pension. However, all may not be lost. John will try to get some disability payments from the VA. We all know how difficult this can be, but maybe he can use his stars to pull some strings (bet he gets more than 10%).

Anyway, best of luck in all your endeavors, John. Maybe you can get a job at Lockheed Aircraft. I hear they've got an opening as a vice-president for someone with military experience and the right connections.

There are no Vietnam veterans buried in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. Every other war has a "representative" there, but not us. The Pentagon says that this is because they can't find a body with the right qualifications. I think that the reason is that they want to pretend Vietnam didn't happen!

I see where Bob Hope is putting on a special benefit program for the USO. "Mr. USO," as he is being called, must be champing at the bit for another war to get started before he passes on to the Great Funny Farm in the Sky. Maybe we'll bury him in Arlington Cemetery. We'll call his spot the "Tomb of the Unwanted Comedian," particularly those of us who spent the extra hours on guard duty in Vietnam so his show and its star would be safe.

Margaret Brewer has become the first Brigadier General in the U.S. Marine Corps. I guess this shows that the Crotch builds women as well as men!

Some old philosopher once said that "in war, truth is the first casualty." I betcha this guy "truth" didn't have a rich daddy!

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