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Fighting the Culture and Ideological Wars: Evolve, Resolve or Dissolve Ahead of Schedule

By Horace Coleman

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The Republican would-be presidential candidates are Mitt Romney, who wants to break unions and Rick "Good Hair" Perry, who doesn't believe in big government or global warming. There's also Michelle Bachman, an upscale ditzy Sarah Palin, and ignored Ron Paul and John Huntsman. The religious way-right think theocracy works so well in countries with large Muslim populations we should have one.

In the mean time, the plant has replaced the plantation and most white collar workers ignore or oppose unions while enjoying the benefits unions fought for.

Jim Hightower at the Progressive Summit.

A Progressive Summit was held in August in Orange County, California, one of the most right-wing Republican counties in the nation. The Summit's opening speaker was Christine Chavez, Caesar Chavez's granddaughter. Jim Hightower, author, radio commentator, public speaker and newsletter editor/writer, was the closing speaker. Twelve workshops were held and more than 40 organizations tabled.

Chavez said some causes may not be popular with your core constituency but are vital. She cited birth control for Latinas and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual people's needs. Some issues are never solved but persistently need attention and work.

Hightower talked about waging successful political campaigns, prominent causes that weren't won but generated attention and support, and coalition building. There's a need to align on issues you have in common with those who you disagree with on other points. When people don't, or won't, come to your meetings, go to theirs and build bridges! He mentioned a sign he'd seen in Madison, Wisconsin during the political unrest there: If you screw us we multiply. He emphasized the need for new thinking and ideas by saying "Any one who says you can't herd cats never heard of can openers!"

The institutions and interests crying "Class warfare!!" about issues and circumstances they don't like are winning the war they're waging.

As a collector of odd information, I'm always rediscovering some startling data. "Tentacles of Rage; the Republican Propaganda Mill, a Brief History" is the title of an essay by Lewis H. Lapham in the August 2004 issue of Harper's Magazine. Lapham names conservative foundations, think tanks and mass media distributors. Ranked by economic clout and ability to push their ideas and gain political power when Lapham wrote his piece they were:

Foundations: Bradley, Smith Richardson, Earhart, John M. Olin, Koch Family, Castle Rock, Philip M. McKenna.
Think Tanks: Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Hoover Institution, Cato Institute, Hudson Institute, Manhattan Institute, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Reason Foundation, National Center for Policy Analysis, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Free Congress Foundation, Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis.
Mass Media Distribution: TV-700 Club (Pat Robertson); Fox News Channel; Scarborough Country (MSNBC); Oliver North's War Stories. Radio: The Rush Limbaugh Show; The Cal Thomas Commentary, Radio America. Publishing: Eagle Publishing, Inc. Newspapers: The Washington Times; The Wall Street Journal. Websites: Townhall.com; AnnCoulter.com.
Universities and foundations/groups supporting conservative scholars and students: George Mason University, Harvard University, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, University of Chicago, Yale University, Washington University, Stanford University, Institute for Humane Studies, National Association of Scholars.

Brian Willson at the Progressive Summit.
Those lists are *old*. Right-wing influence has grown. There's more money and outlets, new rankings and players, slicker delivery and promotion of big and small lies told louder, in new ways, more often. The goal is the same: Cripple the Democratic party, hamstring liberal/progressive movements and ideas. Promote theocracy, destroy unions, kill what's left of the new deal. Make more money, get more power, control the nation's agenda while reshaping its mind.

But we had better weapons, air superiority over the other side in Nam and still couldn't get the outcome we wanted. After all the US lives lost, wounds suffered and dollars spent, the outcomes in Iraq and Afghanistan are still uncertain.

Hard and dark times don't last forever. Frustrated, impoverished and desperate people will go for anything...for a while.

Keep on keepin' on!! Ingenuity, creativity and endurance will take us a long way.

Latin phrases to keep in mind: Caveat emptor (Let the buyer beware); Caveat lector (Let the reader beware. Add watcher.). Mock Latin: Illegitimi non carborundum (Don't let the bastards get you down). Nothing's perfect... If al Qaeda and the Taliban were really smart they'd be contributing money to the most radical Republican candidates.

Horace Coleman was an Air Force air traffic controller/intercept director in Vietnam (1967-68).

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