From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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San Diego: VVAW Fights, Vet Wins Benefits


Taking on the state bureaucracy, the San Diego chapter of VVAW scored a victory in helping a Korean War vet get his benefits. In June John Hagus decided to demand an appeal from the California Department of Rehabilitation; although as a disabled vet in rehabilitation, he should have had his school supplies paid for, the state told him he would have to submit vouchers from his teachers accounting for everything he needed, down to pencil leads. Even with this, he was told, he would probably get nothing more than bus fare.

Having fought the VA once already to get his disability payment raised from 10% to 40% John knew he would get nothing from the state agency without a fight. So he asked VVAW to back up his appeal to the hearing board.

At the appeal board meeting, John was kept waiting for half an hour as board members arrived conveniently late. But they started apologizing when they saw that he was not alone. VVAW members displayed picket signs with the demands, "No More Delays--It's Time To Pay," "Government Appeal--Dirty Deal," and "Benefits Now! Cut the Crap! Give John his Rehab Money." After putting the board on notice that they couldn't play their games anymore, VVAW went outside and marched through the shopping center where the board held its meeting.

Passersby stopped to encourage VVAW to keep on at it; one young guy decided to scrap his enlistment plans after hearing what the rich mad does with used GIs. Inside the hearing room, where chanting and picketing could be both seen and heard, John read a statement telling the board that, as representatives of the rich who had put John and millions like him through hell, that we're not going to take it anymore, that every penny they try to steal from us now will done day cost them more than they ever dreamed.

After an hour and a half, the board decided they didn't want to swear through any more and told John that they couldn't deny what he was saying. They promised to make sure he got whatever he needed for school. As one San Diego VVAW member said, "This was one time we made the fat cats retreat and we know now that when we take them on our terms, we can win."

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