From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Letters To VVAW


THE VETERAN Welcomes letters, comments and criticisms. Also, send poetry, photos, drawings or stories.

Fellow Veterans,

Enclosed is a letter that proves we were fighting a Rich Man's war--in every war but the Revolution in 1776.

President Carter is screaming about human rights: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." Virtually every nation on earth subscribes to that straightforward principle, the United Nations pledge of all nations on earth.

There will always be the need for us veterans to be the guardians of the poor and oppressed comrades against thins like what happened in the Watts section of Los Angeles to our sister in need of our help (see attached article).

The rich use any method to suppress our people. Our war is to defend the rights of our poor against the Rich!

I am in prison and can't do anything at this time to aid our case! But my spirit goes with you all.

Lovelady, Texas

Dear Comrades,

Enclosed please find a $2 money order, all I can afford as I am on an old age pension. Wish I could send $2 million as I believe you are doing a good job and if I was not 80 years of age and laid up with arthritis I would be out helping you. I like your paper as it talks the truth and hope you will continue to send me a copy every month, so banish all Gods from the skies and all capitalists from the earth.

Right On to Victory.
Los Angeles, California

PS. I used to work on the railroad in Chicago for 20 years as a car inspector.

Dear VVAW:

When I was in Chicago a few weeks ago, a pamphlet was given to me reading, "Vets say No to Rich Man's Wars."

I am totally in agreement with this movement, and would like to receive more information concerning it, also perhaps I can make a small donation too.

Fort Wayne,

PS. I am 73 years old, and have always thought wars were for the benefit of the rich. Why in World War II, we were shipping scrap to Japan just 3 weeks before we entered into the war, only to have this scrap shot back at our boys. Wars are nothing but for commercial purposes, and to make the rich get richer, on blood money.

City sells home over $173.40 bill

Willia V. Moore stands outside her home in Los Angels' Watts section holding her dog and a check for $173.40. Moore failed to pay a streetlight assessment and the city, in effect, sold her $30,000 house for $173.40. She now faces eviction. The check Moore is holding was returned to her by the city, which said it received her check after the home was sold.

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