From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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SPN Discharge Codes


The Defense Department announced on April 27th that veterans may obtain new discharge papers on request that will omit the controversial Separation Program Numbers (SPN) which indicate the reason for discharge. These numbers and classifications are given arbitrarily without the knowledge of the veteran and with no process of appealing the classification. Over 500 such codes are in use, and included such labels as "Shirking", "Apathy", "Criminalism", "Bed Wetting", "Character Disorder", "Marginal Producer" and "Unclean Habits". On July 1st, the Pentagon will begin using a new code bearing 126 classifications. The classifications will no longer appear on separation papers (DD 214), but Will be used in the veteran's permanent files (201). Employers have always had access to these files, and so this classification system will continue to be used against the veteran looking for a decent job or a promotion. The only solution is to eliminate the SPN classification system COMPLETELY.

If you would like to know the meaning of your SPN number and would like to have it eliminated from you DD 214, write or call the VVAW/WSO National Office and we will give you the code and the address of your branch of service.

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