From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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A Member Remembers

By John Mullen

Welcome Home, I hope you don't mind my sending this to you all. After all these years it just came to me and for a moment and eased my pain.

Being at Udorn in April 75 knowing Charlie was moving on in to Saigon each day was secondary to worrying if Pol Pot was wading across the Mekong to start the domino theory at Udorn before Saigon fell.

Many of the front line brothers I was with had collections of underground Nam vet tapes of music from the late 60's. Canned Heat, Jefferson Airplane, etc. Between every song this DJ vet would make statements that made us feel we were doing what had to be done because of vets that died In Country. Now there we were with a front row seat to a COME IN FREE ticket Charlie was getting in Saigon.

As a song would end, he would say, 22 more days and I can go home and picket and protest this F--king waste of human minds and lives our government calls War or Lifers are like flies,they both eat sH-t and bother us.

Americans forget, How quickly Americans forget.

- Sen. Howard Baker

Thanks for letting me share that. I needed someone to hear it.

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