From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Follow-up From Last Issue


The last issue of The Veteran carried an article about Post-Vietnam Syndrome and focused on the case of W.H. MacFarland, a Vietnam vet who killed a man during a flashback to his combat experiences. Railroaded off to prison, Mac began to fight the rich man's system which had sent him to Vietnam and now had him behind bars. Only after later examination did it come out that the killing took place because the victim drew a gun.

Since the last issue of the paper, Mac has been transferred from Soledad Prison to a hospital for what the State of California calls "treatment." At 3AM guard came into his cell, loaded him with 40 pounds of chains, and took him to the hospital. Even though they tried to attack him with clubs, Mac beat back their attacks.

The hospital won't cure the recurring nightmares about Vietnam, though it is better than the prison. Mac goes up for a parole hearing at the beginning of July. People can write to the California Adult Authority, State Office Building #8, 714 P St, Room 523, Sacramento, Ca, 95814, to say that they've heard of Mac's case. The fact that more and more people came to know about the case--and the way in which hundreds of thousands of Vietnam vets have been discarded by the rich who no longer need us--helped to force the state to transfer Mac.

People wanting to encourage Mac in his continuing struggle can write: William A. MacFarland, RT 2, Drawer B, Patton State Hospital, Patton, CA, 93269.

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