From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Frame-Up In The Desert: Gary Lawton


In February of this year the trial of Gary Lawton, Larrie Gardiner, and Nehemiah Jackson ended in a hung jury. The government, in its attempt to frame the three on murder charges, had spent $2,000,000 and ended with a 9-3 decision for innocent. Despite the overwhelming verdict for acquittal the government has started a new trial. It is approaching this trial a little differently in that it has separated Nehemiah Jackson from the three and is zeroing in on Lawton, (an all too effective community organizer), and Gardiner. It has moved the case from Indio back to Riverside, California and dropped the conspiracy to murder charge to murder alone. It has not changed its repressive and racist tactics against the defense committee and the community.

The same police who are charging the brothers with murder shot and killed a 23 year old Chicano this month. Even though the Chicano was unarmed, up against the fence and had his arm in a cast, he was shot dead. One of the defense committee members, a country fire captain, was arrested outside his home and charged with being drunk. A week after this arrest he was again arrested for intoxication, this time while driving a motorcycle. He was handcuffed and driven around for three hours before being taken to the police station. Another member of the committee, a black steelworker, had his home broken into by the police, who found a 22 and charged him with possession of a stolen weapon, despite a bill of sale for this gun. He was placed under $20,000 bail.

At the present time the Lawton jury has been selected with the trial to begin soon. During the first trial the Riverside Defense Committee only spent $25,000, but they are still close to $3,000 in debt. They desperately need funds for the new trial. VVAW/WSO has declared this trial a national priority. The brothers must be defended. A booklet has been published which gives further information about this trial: "Frame-up In The Desert" - for 35 cents. Send in the desperately needed donations to:

Riverside Defense Committee
PO Box 5154
San Bernardino, CA 92412

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