From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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This issue of Winter Soldier is dedicated to the men and women of the American Revolution, those people who gave their lives in the fight against tyranny and for self-determination. They are great symbols to America, a fighting symbol, whose fight 197 years ago still lives in our hearts today. The name of this paper comes from one such great patriot, Tom Paine. He wrote fo the winter of 1776 at Valley Forge, when food was scarce and men were freezing with no shelter. Many of men's enlistments were up, and the Revolutionary Army was faced with defeat. Paine wrote of those that stayed, the winter soldiers: "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman."

We believe that Americans are again faced with a great crisis. The war in Indochina continues with US planes, materials, and dollars. The economy of this country is in chaos, the dollar sinking lower and lower in value. Racism is all pervasive, and women are treated like meat. The government is falling apart because of its own corruption and crimes, and the rich are blatantly pulling the strings in Washington.

Now is not the time for the American people to hide from its heritage. Now is the time for today's "winter soldiers" to come forward to face the real crisis in our lives. VVAW/WSO thinks the time is long past when America can hide form the corruption, the intimidation, the gross indifference of our elected officials, small and large, and the injustices faced by poor and working people every day.

Freedom was not handed to the 13 colonies in 1776, blood and flesh was the price that was paid. VVAW/WSO does not think that change will come by prayer or wishful thinking, but by the determined struggle of the people.

Don't you think it's time you came forward to fight against tyranny and injustice? We think so.

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