From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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G.I.s Fight Back


It is not difficult to see the correlation between G.I. projects and an end to repression within the military. VVAW/WSO has several chapters located on military bases throughout Japan. An example of one of the most active (and hassled) G.I. projects is that being run at the Marine Air Station at Iwakuni.

The Iwakuni project is centered around the Hobbit Coffeehouse. This is the center for the G.I. movement and its newspaper Semper Fi. The Hobbit was established in late February, 1972, and has since become the gathering place for anti-imperialist and progressive people from the base, as well as for the Japanese from the Iwakuni area.

The work being done by the Hobbit people has been very successful. Recently, mass educational work has been done among G.I.'s on base. Copies of Semper Fi have been distributed widely, including copies sent to NamPhong, Thailand. Also, the Hobbit is the center for the bookstore which carries alternative literature to people on base. The bookstore has been recently mobilized so that it can be taken to concerts, rallies, and meetings. The Hobbit has also been sponsoring study groups which enable G.I.'s to educate themselves as to the realities of imperialism. The Semper Fi people are also trying to set up a legal counseling project for G.I.'s.

Because of the success of the Hobbit, the coffeehouse was ordered off limits in June, 1972. The order banning the Hobbit expired March 31, and thus, the Hobbit went on limits. The Fi carried an ad for the Hobbit, and two days later the Hobbit was off limits again. As in June, there was no hearing, no notification to the Hobbit, and no explanation of why. In the 17 days of being on limits, nothing happened at the Hobbit to justify any sort of putting it off limits.

G.I.'s are still going to the Hobbit, but none have been arrested. If any people are busted, the G.I.'s at Iwakuni will have a good test case for exposing the repression within the military. However, the command may be too smart to risk a test case. Thus, the people at Iwakuni need your support to get the Hobbit placed on limits again. Letters condemning such repressive acts should be sent to the commanding General Lang, as well as to Congress.

Such acts of military repression must be stopped. The Hobbit is just one example of the type of military maneuvering that is happening on bases everywhere. Support the Hobbit and help G.I.'s fight for their rights.

VVAW Iwakuni
P.O. Box 49
Yamaguchi - Ken
Japan 740

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