From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Throughout the world, there is a rising tide of resistance and rebellion against oppression and exploitation. After 30 years of continued struggle, the Indochinese people are completely victorious in their fight to rid Southeast Asia of US imperialism. In Africa, Latin America and the Middle East, oppressed people are drawing great inspiration from the Indochinese and renewing their struggles. In this country, more and more people are coming forward to fight against the rotten system that shackles their lives.

And the enemy is growing weaker every day. The imperialist system is in a deepening economic and political crisis. Cutbacks, layoffs, speed-ups, police attacks, preparations for new wars--these are the only answers that the ruling class has for this crisis, because it is their crises and their system that is in deep trouble. Working people are beginning to see this with great clarity, and thousand are taking up the fight against these attacks on their lives.

For veterans, and especially for those that this system used in its vain attempts to crush the liberation struggle of the Indochinese people, there is unemployment, rotten VA hospital, addiction to methadone, late checks, cutback in pensions and disability payments and red tape. But it is no accident that these problems plaque veterans. The VA and its bureaucrats and red tape are part and parcel of what is happening to working people all over--part and parcel of the system of imperialism.

It takes no genius or super-sleuth to tell that the VA stinks. And a hell of a lot of vets are pissed at the treatment they're getting. But it does take more than anger to change things. It takes organization and it takes unity, and it takes consistent struggle to defeat imperialism. The need has never been greater to build a fighting movement of vets, a movement to unite veterans with the struggles of all oppressed and working people. Don't look back--look forward and BUILD THE ANTI-IMPERIALIST VETERANS' MOVEMENT!!!

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