From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Winter Soldier Events Continue Regionally and Internationally

By Ward Reilly

The importance of military veterans speaking out against any war simply can not be understated. It's critical, because no one else knows more about the truth in war than we do. We in the veterans movement understand this fact, and using that line of reasoning, Iraq Veterans Against the War has continued to show leadership with their Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan...Eyewitness to the Occupations series of speaking events.

Purple Heart Iraq veteran and IVAW member
Bobby Whittenberg, speaking at Winter Soldier Austin.

Since their original testimonies were made at Silver Spring near DC last year, during the 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, IVAW has held regional WSIA hearings throughout the country, so far at UMASS-Amherst, MA, Rochester, NY, Portland, OR, Baltimore, MD, Los Angeles, Gainsville, FL, and Austin, TX. Also, the first international WSIA hearing was held in Freiberg, Germany in March on the 14th.

I attended the hearing in Austin on February 28th, along with VVAW members Bill Homans, aka "Watermelon Slim," and Doug Zachary, of Austin, who helped organize the event. Two panels of 4 spoke in Austin. Following the testimonies, we all marched on city hall in downtown. On Sunday, we all journeyed to Ft. Hood, for the opening of Under The Hood a new GI coffeehouse at Killeen, Texas.

The panels did a fine job, as per the norm of these young anti-warriors, with spirited spoken words, and heart wrenching pain from the truth they spilled out. Hart Viges, Bobby Whittenberg, Marie Combs, Ron Cantu, and Greg Foster of IVAW spoke, among others, as did Gold Star father John Scripsick, who left everyone in the building in tears as he mourned the loss of his son with us. Doug Zachary also spoke in solidarity. Austin can stand tall with the success of their weekend of events and actions!

At the post-action party, VVAW's own "Watermelon Slim" put on a great private show, and blew-away the crowd...they had no idea of the greatness that sat down to entertain them, until they heard him play song after song, and tell his stories like no one else can. Hat's off to Slim for stealing the show with LOVE and MUSIC!

In Germany, Chris Capps-Schubert of IVAW-Germany, organized their event in Freiberg, and instantly had the testimonies on Youtube for the world to see. It was a lead-in to the huge demonstration that is to take place in Strasbourg, France on April 4th, when Obama and the rest of the NATO leaders gather to discuss the widening of the occupation of Afghanistan.

There is no better way to educate this nation to the realities of our criminal occupations, than to have the veterans of those occupations speak the truth, and IVAW is doing all they can with this national, and now international, series of Winter Soldier events, with GREAT support from VVAW and VFP.

Hit the streets, y'all, we have a lot of work to do. President Obama will only end the occupations if we ORDER him to do so, by speaking loud and clear in the streets.

Ward Reilly is the Southeast national contact for VVAW.

The new IVAW chapter in Salt Lake City brought Winter Soldier testimony to Utah March 19 and 21.
IVAW members spoke at the city library on a panel titled: War Is Not the Answer in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Shown in the picture on the right is Andy Figorski speaking as Gary Barkley and Chris Conway listen.

Winter Soldier, Austin.

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