From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Kent State Update

By Bruce Hyland

It is now 39 years since rifle shots rang out on the Kent State University campus. On May 4th 1970 shots fired by the Ohio National Guard killed 4 students, and wounded 9 others at Kent State. Most of our older members vividly remember this tragic injustice, some were there the day it happened. Our younger members have most likely learned of these events by their own study initiatives, or by hearing stories. One of the best ways to learn of this important historical event is to attend a yearly commemoration at the Kent State campus.

Some veterans of military service who were present at the shooting helped provide first aid to the shooting victims. The reckless response with deadly force not only killed and wounded students. It endangered faculty, campus visitors, other guard unit members, and anyone else in the range of the powerful M1 Garand rifles. The actions of some members of the Ohio National Guard, and decision making of Elected Officials is a clear reminder of the need for continued education concerning this historic event. It is also one reason why the tragic Jackson State University (Jackson MS) shootings which occurred on May 14-15th 1970 are included in each commemoration.

Wounded students and many others present the day of the shooting continue to attend the yearly commemorations along with family and friends. A large number of our fellow citizens visit the Kent State shooting site throughout each year. Many VVAW members have supported past student and citizen actions at Kent State (the gym struggle) including commemorations, and continue to do so. This dedicated movement of wounded students, university faculty members, and present day student activists work tirelessly to educate all who seek knowledge concerning the historic events of May 1-4 1970 at Kent State. The May 4 Visitor Center will provide a central location to consolidate this information. It is not only good, but right that VVAW has provided support for a Kent State May 4 Visitor Center.

Bruce Hyland, Infantryman, Honor Guard, E/1/3 TOG.

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