From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Films & Books



Winter Solider Investigation Films:

#1. 1st Marine Division (17 min, B&W) Subject: Eye-witness war crimes testimony given in Detroit, Feb. 1971, by the veterans of the 1st Marine Division. Rental: $20-Sale:$50

#2. Americal Division (25 min, B&W w/ color slides) Subject: Eye-witness war crimes testimony given in Detroit, Feb. 1971, by veterans of the Americal Division. Rental: $35-Sale:$125

Only the Beginning (20 min. 16 mm color & B&W) Subject: Veterans turning in medals in Washington, the war in Vietnam from both sides, the air war, and back to Washington. Rental: $35-Sale: $115

Dewey Canyon III (25 min. B&W) Subject: Vietnam Veterans Against the War's week in Washington, April 1971. A limited incursion into the territory of the Federal Gov't. To search out and destroy the last vestige of a barbaric war. Rental: $25 -Sale: $75

Different Sons: (52 min. color) Subject: "Operation Raw" (Rapid American Withdrawal), VVAW's march to Valley Forge, Pa. On Labor Day weekend, 1970. Rental: $60-Sale: $425


A complete text of the war crime testimony given in Detroit, in Feb. 1971, by the Vietnam veterans from all over the country. $2.50

Winning Hearts and Minds
A selection of poems written by veterans, about their personal experiences, actions, and the events they saw, that no one else but they could understand. The horrors of war, napalm, white phosphorous; search and destroy. $1.95

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