From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Poisoned by the Navy?

By Dave Cline

Three years ago, 28-year-old Rolando Garcia worked briefly at the Camp Garcia Naval Station on Vieques, replacing windows at the observation post in the live fire impact area. Sometimes while he worked, bombing exercises were taking place less than a mile away, causing clouds of dust to blow over him.

Within several months, his health started to deteriorate. First he experienced constant fatigue, pain in his limbs and intestinal problems. Then all the hair on his head and body fell out. Swollen areas appeared on his legs. A test done in Puerto Rico detected uranium in his stool.

In November, supporters brought Rolando, 31, to the New York City area for testing to determine the cause of his illness. Examinations were conducted at hospitals in Newark, NJ and Bronx, NY and at the Center for Occupational & Environmental Medicine in Manhattan. Results are not known at the time of this writing but more toxicology tests are expected.

Rolando is one of many Viequenses who suffer serious health problems believed to be caused by toxic contamination resulting from the Navy's sixty years of bombing and shelling. The cancer rate is 27% higher than the rest of Puerto Rico. Scientific studies have found elevated levels of arsenic, barium, cadmium, zinc, cobalt, mercury, lead and other metals. The 9,700 people who live there are being poisoned by the military in the name of "national defense." NAVY OUT OF VIEQUES NOW!
Contributions to help with medical expenses can be sent directly to:

Rolando Garcia
Account #512059790
Banco Popular
Vieques, PR 00765

Message of support can be sent to:
Rolando Garcia
Buzon E-61
Bo. Le Guillow
Vieques, PR 00765


Dave Cline is a member of the Clarence Fitch chapter of VVAW and a national coordinator.

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