From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Dear People,

Although I have been receiving the Winter Soldier for a couple of months now, that you were so kind as to give me a subscription, I have not attempted to join VVAW/WSO. It was to my understanding that one had to be a veteran to do so, but reading closely the pages 10-11 of the March, 1974 issue, I think that I may have been wrong.

I have read the ten objectives and am in complete agreement with such and will do what I can towards their implementation.

For a point, I am in complete agreement with the National Office Comment: Terrorism, that appeared on page 13 (comment re. SLA and Hearst kidnapping - Ed.)

Please send me any documents, papers, etc. that I may need to sign. And also, I would be honored to have my name and number placed on your mailing list to receive your materials.

Unite to Fight,

Folsom State Prison
Repressa, California


Greetings on International Women's Day! We saw your beautiful back-page dedicated to International Women's Day. Thanks!

Women's Progressive Organization
Freedom House
41 Robb Street
Georgetown, Guyana

Dear Comrades,

I'm incarcerated here at Attica and would like a subscription of your paper, Winter Soldier. Also, I would like this years back issues of the paper. I came across one of your papers today for the first time and found it to be very informative. That's why I want this years back issues. I don't want to miss out on the knowledge that you comrades have been putting down.

In Power and Struggle and Victory,

A Brother from Attica

P.S. I was in Vietnam in 1968.

To: National Collective of VVAW/WSO

We have the understanding that the national newspaper of VVAW/WSO is in financial jeopardy. We, the workers at Automated Packaging in Twinsburg, Ohio, and friends send you an enclosed money order for $20.00. We read, learn from, and appreciate the Winter Soldier. We hope that our donation might further the future of this fine publication. By signing our names and giving what little we can afford, we want you to know you're doing a dynamite job. We want to be recognized as one of those who support you.

Amnesty for All!
Free Gary Lawton!
Signed by 16 workers from Automated Packaging.

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