From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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As the year 1973 draws to a close, it would be good to reflect on what has occurred during this time. 1973 was a year of great victories and growing resistance by oppressed people abroad and here at home. The Vietnamese people, with the help of an international movement, forced the US government to sign an agreement of peace. The peoples of Laos and Cambodia moved closer than ever to complete freedom and independence. The people of Guinea-Bissau declared themselves an independent nation and continue to push back Portuguese forces. And the people of America saw the defeat of government repression in Gainesville, and the rising tide of the peoples' demands for freedom represented by the rebellion at Wounded Knee.

However, as imperialism meets new defeats, the masters of finance and war will become more desperate as clearly seen by their role in the fascist coup in Chile. The brothers and sisters in the military face growing repression by the brass. The sisters and brothers in prison continue to be beaten when they demand basic human rights. The American people see their basic needs sit beyond the reach of their wallets. And the US government pours millions into "Law-n-Order" machines while its own criminal actions are bared.

1973 leaves us with a clear message. VVAW/WSO must continue to grow. We must face all the machinations of imperialism with unity and strength. One person can do little. Two people can do more. Ten people can move walls. And the united effort of all the people can move mountains. VVAW/WSO will continue to fight, in the streets, in the schools, in the prisons, in the military, anywhere we can. We will make 1974 a year of unity and victory!


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