From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Lawton-Gardner Trial: Frame-Up Continues


Facing charges of murdering two policemen, the second trial of Gary Lawton and Zurebu (Larrie) Gardner is coming to a close. Hopefully, a clear-cut decision of innocent will be brought by this jury, rather than the 9-3 decision for acquittal delivered by the Indio trial jury.

The D.A. finished his closing statement on Oct. 8th with a blatant play on racism. Admitting that the state had no case, he opened with: "For the last three or four months, you've probably been wondering what's going on here." Then in a move to get the jury to disregard the evidence, he said: "How do you know the evidence is true; well, you just feel it." His time was spent either telling the jury to disregard the evidence (even some of his own) or describing in detail the shot-gun killing of the two policemen.

The D.A. (Porst) was attempting two things: first, to get the jury to identify with the two dead white officers; and second, to play upon their feelings about two black militant men. It should not be difficult to figure out which side the jury should identify with.

The defense was prepared to present its case on Oct. 10th, but delayed this action after receiving a letter from six inmates from Blith Detention Facility. The letter said that Cameron, a chief prosecution witness, had been bragging about getting $5,000, a new identity and a plane ticket to anywhere for falsifying his testimony for the police. After this letter was mailed, the six inmates were moved to a Riverside jail and taken from their cells at midnight by the Chief Prosecuting Investigator and interrogated until 5:00 a.m. Meanwhile, Judge Hews is still hearing statements by defense and prosecution lawyers as to whether or not the defense can reopen its case and present the new evidence regarding bribery of witnesses.

One thing is clear. The state will use any means to silence people who speak out against racism, repression and the war. Bribing and intimidating witnesses is nothing new; nor is the railroading of innocent black organizers. We have the duty to support these brothers (Gary is a member of VVAW/WSO) both in word and deed; both with our actions and our financial aid. The state has spent over $3,000,000 in its attempts to convict Gary and Zurebu. The defense has been utilizing Public Defenders and movement lawyers, yet is still over $5,000 in debt.

Even if Lawton is found completely innocent of this charge, the county (with special funding from State Attorney General Younger) is going to try Gary on a charge of "shooting a shot-gun in an occupied dwelling in 1968." Both Gary and Zurebu are free now, but they have spent over two years in jail, during which time they lost their jobs and savings. Send the desperately needed funds (both for past trial debt and the upcoming defense expenses) to: The Riverside Defense Committee, P.O. Box 5154, San Bernardino, Calif. 92412.

-- Gary Lawton

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