From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Milwaukee Labor Day Parade Planned


On September 3rd at 2:00 pm, the Third Annual Peace and Solidarity Labor Day Parade will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The purpose of this parade is to express the culture of the various participants, as well as to emphasize issues of extreme political importance. The paraders will make the following four demands on the city of Milwaukee and the U.S. Government: 1. that there be an immediate end to all U.S. aggression in Indochina, 2. that all attacks against workers be ended, 3. that national and racial oppression be ended, and 4. that total, universal and unconditional amnesty be given all war resisters.

The Milwaukee chapter of VVAW/WSO has participated in this parade for the past two years, but this is the first year that VVAW/WSO has rounded-up the co-sponsors for this annual event. Besides VVAW/WSO, the co-sponsors and parade committee include Revolutionary Union, the Milwaukee Worker, Milwaukee Rank and file, the East Side Job Co-op, and the Survival Center.

These groups are working together to organize this parade and over 900 people are expected to participate; most of them will be labor people. The parade committee also expects that there will be approximately 18 vehicles and/or floats present in the event, and these will also be a means of showing solidarity. For example, the VVAW/WSO vehicle will be known as the Waupon Prison special, and will travel in the parade as a visual means of support for the brothers in Waupon.

Following the Peace and Solidarity Parade, there will be music, theater, food and fun in the Alternate Site, a Milwaukee park. VVAW/WSO plans for this follow-up event include guerilla theater, and skits on amnesty and the true nature of conspiracy trials.

The co-sponsors of the Parade are looking for and welcoming any organizations or groups of people who wish to participate and who support the demands that the parade will focus on. For more information about this Labor Day event, people should contact the VVAW/WSO office in Milwaukee at 2439 N. Fratney, or call (414) 562-9371.

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