From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Political repression within this country has become so widespread that it may now be considered the norm in our society. The jailing of innocent people, and the persecution of those in our prisons has become standard operating procedure; as has the harassment and attempts to silence the so-called 'dissenters' who are simply making demands for a more responsive government.

In the wake of Watergate, it is not difficult to see who the real criminals of this country are. It is those who have abused their power to enhance the profits of the big businesses and at the expense of the average citizen. The power structure couldn't afford to end the war in Indochina, and it took the people of this country, working together, to say that they had had enough and to demand the war's end. Similarly, the power structure cannot survive without its profits, so the price of meat, bread, and a decent life will continue to rise until the profits are sacrificed and the needs of the people are finally met.

The political repression we are now witnessing will not soon end. In fact, this may be only the horrible beginning. As those controlling the government try to retain their power at a point where a lack of faith in that power is glaringly evident, the thumb of repression will come down even harder on the person asking for a decent existence.

Perhaps one day the Atticas, the Starkes, the Gainesvilles and the Gary Lawtons will cease. But that day will only come if the people of this country unite, stand together and say, "no more." The day will come when the jailers will destroy themselves. And when that day comes, it will be the people of this country who will remain standing. We must always remember that the persecuted and imprisoned of our government will one day be finally freed, and they will be freed by the people--because they are the people.


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