From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Boycott Farah Pants


Farah Slacks is the largest manufacturer of men's and boy's slacks in this country. This dubious honor was earned by relying on 50 years of sweatshop history, i.e. average pay of $1.70 an hour, no retirement benefits, no sick leave, no vehicle for the redress of grievances. Farah employs over 10,000 workers in seven plants in Texas and one in New Mexico. 95% of these workers are Chicano, and 85% are women. Nearly one year ago, several workers were fired for legal union organizing activities. This triggered the walk-out of over 3,000 Farah workers and fostered the strike demand for the right to union representation.

Willie Farah has answered the strikers' demands by surrounding his plants with barbed wire, armed guards, and telescopic cameras. The court has issued an injunction against mass picketing and over 1,000 arrest warrants have been issued. These actions have not intimidated the striking workers, and they remain determined not to go back to work without their union.

Support for the strike has spread throughout the country in the form of a boycott. The UAW, Postal Workers, United Farm Workers, Maritime Union, and Teamsters have all come out in support of the strike and ensuing boycott of Farah garments. Support has even come from overseas. The Hong Kong Textile Workers Union sent cancelled, unfinished clothing products from the Farah plant to their clothing distributors.

The nationwide boycott of Farah pants has been a highly successful means of resistance. Farah's annual report discloses that it lost $8.3 million in the past fiscal year compared with a profit of $6 million in the preceeding year. Sales were down $10 million.

VVAW/WSO has consistently support the Farah strike and boycott and we ask all of our friends to do the same. Judging from the drop in monetary gain of the Farah Manufacturing Company, Willie Farah will have no choice but to meet the demands of these strikers. With our help, these workers will win. If you desire to make a donation to the strike or wish to receive more information, contact: Farah Distress Fund, P.O. Box 998, El Paso , Texas 77041.

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