From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Last month President Nixon and the United States Congress 'compromised on a bill that set the date of August 15th for the cessation of all military operations in Southeast Asia. Once again, we are asked to believe that 'peace is at hand.' Through the years we have heared this statement made many times, starting in 1965 with the 'light at the end of the tunnel' line.

We have seen the administration of both Johnson and Nixon promise peace and in reality deliver war and death. It is time that we accept the word of the government for what it is: blatant lies and contempt for the memory of all people.

Will the war end on the 15th? We don't believe it and we have history to back up this belief. In March, 1968 Johnson announced peace talks which lasted for five years through the subversion of the American delegations. Peace was announced many times during Nixon's first term; using it for re-election and then bombing Hanoi and Haiphong with an unprecedented air attack of B-52s. Once the agreement was signed, the US answered with violations; bombing and support for insurgent troops. In Cambodia bombing has occured for every day in the last six months.

So the war will not end. We then must answer with loud militant action and with unceasing motion until the President and the Congress recognize that the American people will no longer tolerate their criminal actions.

August is the month of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is the month that George and Jonathan Jackson were murdered. It is the month when we cannot allow the war to continue. Be prepared for the 15th and don't be fooled again.


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