From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Chenoweth Trial Still Set For Phillippines


The Pat Chenoweth sabotage trial is still set for the Philippines despite defense efforts to have the trial kept at Treasure Island, Calif. Since Pat's attorney Eric Seitz arrested on entering that nation by the Marcos dictatorship, US District Court Judge Spencer Williams ordered the Navy to guarantee the safety and transportation of Seitz to the trial. While this appears to be a small victory, the judge nonetheless upheld a Court of Military Appeals ruling that moving the trial to the Philippines was not illegal.

Pat is charged with wartime sabotage in connection with damage done to the main reduction gear of the USS RANGER last July. He has been confined without bail in the Treasure Island brig since early August 1972. in a motion to set a bail, the US court of Appeals denied Pat's right to bail in a 2-1 decision that held that the military had not abused their discretion by refusing to grant him release on bail or other conditions.

Still attempting to block the military's frame up move for a Philippine style legal hanging, Pat offered to waive his right to a speedy trial and wait in jail until the RANGER returned in late June and he could be tried at Treasure Island. As the brass summarily turned this offer down final proof was given, if any more was needed, that the Navy's reasons for moving the trial to the Philippines was purely political.

Since the RANGER is due home in late June there is still a possibility that the Navy may have to change its mind on the trial location. If the selecting of court members for the trial lasts much longer than mid-May, the Navy's arguments for the move become even more unbelievable since the RANGER is due home only a few weeks later. The Navy's line of reasoning about saving the taxpayers money as the reason for moving the trial to the Philippines would then seem rather sill. In such a case the Navy might give up and keep the trial at Treasure Island rather than appear too blatant in their attempts to railroad Pat into prison.

Pat Chenoweth Defense Comm.
3325 Kempton Ave.
Oakland, Calif. 94611

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