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<< 4. Selective 'Dis'service: Registration, Reagan, and Repression6. VVAW Forum: War And The Draft >>

Hot Off The Press: Agent Orange Booklets


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Agent Orange Bibliography

If there's a doctor or researcher in your community doing work around Agent Orange or dioxin, his or her life could be made easier with the "Agent Orange Bibliography" for the clinician. Completed by Muriel Hogan, VVAW's national researcher, this volume has collected the best and most recent research on dioxin, with over 200 bibliographic citations. It's a job for which hasn't been done before — and which needed doing. Copies are available from Milwaukee VVAW, 3433 N. Fratney St, Milwaukee, WI 53212 at $5.00.

Agent Orange Dossier

A new, 76-page "Agent Orange Dossier" has just come off the presses in Milwaukee. A collection of material which is not brought together anywhere else, the "Dossier" provides a wealth of information which both answer many questions about Agent Orange and will give the reader a lot more questions to think about. The "Dossier" costs $4; send for your copy from Milwaukee VVAW (address above) or the VVAW National Office, P.O. Box 25592, Chicago, IL 60625; rates for 5 or more copies can be discussed.

<< 4. Selective 'Dis'service: Registration, Reagan, and Repression6. VVAW Forum: War And The Draft >>