VVAW: Vietnam Veterans Against the War
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Some Photos from the 1970s

It all started in 1967, with six Vietnam veterans marching together in a peace demonstration. Now, fifty-seven years later, VVAW is still going strong-- continuing its fight for peace, justice, and the rights of all veterans.

Explore these pages; see what we've done, what we do, and why we do it. The struggle continues, perhaps these days more than ever. VVAW has never stopped working to protect the welfare of those who served their country.

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march Latest Commentary: From the National Office Our politics and political unity were forged in our opposition to the war in Vietnam. Some of us were drafted, others volunteered. Many fought in the jungles, some in the rear or offshore. Many of our fathers and uncles fought fascism. All of us changed...

Taken from "On the Necessity of Struggle" by Bill Branson Read More

View the 1971 50th Anniversary Pages and Guestbook

Excerpt From  THE VETERAN:  Now Online

Taken from 1964: From "Spookville" to the Tonkin Gulf by Joe Miller:

The year began with my being outed by one of my language school buddies, CT First Class Baker, the senior enlisted man in our barracks at the Shu Lin Kou base. He discovered my relationship with Hui-fang, one of the waitresses at the Linkou Club in Taipei. These waitresses were official Taiwan Defense Command (TDC) employees. We dated for six months, even though I knew the restrictions on Communications Technicians (CTs) interacting with the local population. Our Officer-in-Charge, then Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Norman Klar, ordered us to have no personal relationships with individuals or families. Once CT Baker learned of my relationship, he felt duty-bound to report it to the top. I first met with our Operations Officer, Lieutenant Dickey. At that meeting (and a subsequent one with LCDR Klar), I was told to end the relationship. Then, I would be transferred overnight, never to see Hui-fang again.... Read More